Showing Tag: "strategy" (Show all posts)

A.I. Pilgrimage has started.

Posted by Nick J on Monday, April 1, 2013, In : Update news 
Well I just got a 895 page book on A.I. (Artificial Intelligence for Games by Ian Millington). So far I'm just working on A.I. to solve simple problems, but i will soon implement it. I will also be adding a graphical interface in the next update.
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Open Beta starts... wait for it... NOW!

Posted by Nick J on Sunday, March 31, 2013, In : Simple turn-based game posts 
My newest game, a 2 player turn-based strategy game (no graphics) (sorry) is now in open beta test. i guess it's not really impressive, but I like it, and I built it as efficiently as I knew how to, and I'm proud of it. If you find anything wrong with it; please leave me a comment letting me know. The next step is up to you. should I add LAN capabilities so you and your friend don't have to be on the same computer, or should I make an A.I. so all of you without friends can still enjoy a fun a...
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